Data:Item/St. Tomi's Vibrant Aura

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St. Tomi's Vibrant Aura

Angelic Shield

Shields St. Tomis Vibrant Aura.png

Defense: [836-1056]

Block Chance: 50

+[280-340]% Enhanced Defense

+[3-5] to All Skills

+30 to All Attributes

Damage Taken Reduced by 25

+50% to All Resistances

[Angels Vibrance] Level [1-4]

The shield's power is not without its trials. Its vibrant aura is tied to the wielder's heart and resolve. In moments of doubt or fear, the aura would dim, and the shield's protective capabilites wane. Only through unwavering faith in the cause of justice and steadfat commitment to protecting the innocent could the shield unleash its full potential.

Level Req. 100Tier: SS