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Monster Types

Monsters can spawn as different types, inheriting different modifiers from a pool. The types are Champion, Ancient, Special and Legion. There are also most Bosses which do not benefit from the same modifiers.


The following chests can be found naturally in the world while exploring: Wooden Chest, Golden Chest, Crystal Chest and Colossal Chest. A Dungeon Chest can be found at the end of a Challenge Dungeon, The Ruby Garden Chest & Arch Demon Chest can be found in their respective zones - Ruby Garden & Arch Demons Plateau. The Asgard Chest can be found in Vanaheim and Asgard.


Shrine of Life, Shrine of Mana, Holy Shrine, Devil Shrine, Reaper Shrine, Chaos Shrine


There are a large amount of Dungeons that you can find throughout the World, you can either directly enter them or you can spend specific Keys to increase the difficulty of your dungeon run and begin Challenge Mode where you can find Glyphs and gain Glyph Essence to upgrade them, if you manage to clear the entire dungeon without dying you will be awarded a Challenge Dungeon Chest too ! For a Full list of dungeons and where to find them check out Dungeons


Companions will automatically follow the player around - collecting Gold, Materials, Runes and Jewels. Their appearance can be customized from a large selection of options, the requirements are shown ingame in the "Customize" section when selecting your character or while ingame you can open the menu and tap the following button: Button Customize.png


Players can have 1 active Mercenary each which follows the player, Magic Find stats equipped to your Mercenary will directly benefit the player. There are 3 different Mercenaries which can be recruited, they are the Knight, Archer and Magister


Nodes Copper.png Copper Vein
Found in the following Difficulties: Normal
Mining Level Required: 0
Grants Mining Levels Up To: 125
Can be Mined for: Material Copper Ore.png Copper Ore

Nodes Iron.png Iron Vein
Found in the following Difficulties: Normal, Nightmare
Mining Level Required: 125
Grants Mining Levels Up To: 225
Can be Mined for: Material Iron Ore.png Iron Ore

Nodes Gold.png Gold Vein
Found in the following Difficulties: Normal, Nightmare, Hell
Mining Level Required: 225
Grants Mining Levels Up To: 500
Can be Mined for: Material Gold Ore.png Gold Ore

Nodes Ruby.png Ruby Vein
Found in the following Difficulties: Nightmare, Hell
Mining Level Required: 500
Grants Mining Levels Up To: 5000
Can be Mined for: Material Ruby Ore.png Ruby Ore

Nodes Jade.png Jade Vein
Found in the following Difficulties: Nightmare, Hell
Mining Level Required: 750
Grants Mining Levels Up To: 5000
Can be Mined for: Material Jade Ore.png Jade Ore

Nodes Tarethium.png Tarethium Vein
Found in the following Difficulties: Hell
Mining Level Required: 1000
Grants Mining Levels Up To: 5000
Can be Mined for: Material Tarethium Ore.png Tarethium Ore


While in a lobby with another player, selecting them will open a context menu allowing you to send them a trade request, if accepted you are then able to trade gold or items with them.



The Marketplace can be found in the northern area of the Village of Mos'Arathim in Act 3 by speaking with Veros. From here you can buy and sell items with other players while playing Online.
Note that there is a 1% fee for listing items and 10% fee on collecting gold



The Mailbox can be found in the Town of Inoya, Act 1. It is used to send or receive items with other players, or for collecting any gold from your sold Marketplace listings.


Guilds give players a unique tag beside their character name and have a range of perks which you can unlock by levelling up the Guild.

Unique Zones


Wormholes are randomly generated, themed instances which must be completed within a set time in order to progress. As you clear more and more floors the difficulty will gradually increase and certain after clearing levels you will gain different cosmetic bonuses for your account at the end of the season.

Satanic Zones

Satanic Zones can be seen by a special visual above a zone on the world map and are on an hourly rotation, changing which zone is affected, and which buffs and debuffs are active. A Satanic Zone can have a mixture of any buff and debuff combination. If the Satanic Zone lands on a map that contains a dungeon, that dungeon will also be affected by the same buffs and debuffs.

Satanic Zones always enemy life per hell sub difficulty


Hell 1: 0%
Hell 2: 25%
Hell 3: 66%
Hell 4: 100%
Hell 5: 225%

A list of all possible Satanic Zone Buffs and Debuffs can be seen below:


Loot Goblin I: +1 Maximum Loot from Enemy Killed
Loot Goblin II: +2 Maximum Loot from Enemy Killed
Loot Goblin III: 15% + (2.5% per sub difficulty level) Increased Rune Drop Chance
Gold Hunger: Gold from monster kills increased by 40% + (8.75% per sub difficulty level)
Heroic Windfall: Heroic Item drop chances increased by 3% + (3% per sub difficulty level)
Angelic Fortune: Angelic Item drop chances increased by 25% + (7.5% per sub difficulty level)
Zephys Grace: Movement Speed increased by 50%
Fury of Tempest: Attack Speed increased by 60%
Rapid Casting: Faster Cast Rate increased by 60%
Onslaught: Attack Damage increased by 100%
Nether Surge: Magic Skill Damage increased by 40%
Relic Keepers: Ancient monsters have a 2% chance to drop a relic on death.
Goblin's Greed: Champion+ monsters have a 0.5% chance to summon a Treasure Goblin on death.
Artifact Digger: +55% Magic Find + (5% per sub difficulty level)
Artifact Seeker: +110% Magic Find + (10% per sub difficulty level)
Artifact Excavator: +170% Magic Find + (20% per sub difficulty level)
Recruit: +10% Experience Gain + (2.5% per sub difficulty level)
Combat Training: +15% Experience Gain + (3.75% per sub difficulty level)
Battle Scarred: +20% Experience Gain + (5% per sub difficulty level)
Clairvoyance: All recovery increased by 100% (Includes: Mana per hit, Life per hit, Mana and Life Replenish etc)
Aftermath: Monsters have a 3% chance to summon a Legion version of them on death
Deep Cuts: Critical Strike damage increased by 200%
Old Town: +15% chance for Ancient Packs
Terror Zone: +25% chance for Ancient Packs
Fields of Carnage: +30% chance for Ancient Packs


Dusks Shroud: Light Radius decreased by -20%
Elemental Erosion: All Resistances decreased by -75%
Vitality Drain: Life decreased by -25%
Essence Drain: Mana decreased by -25%
Abyssal Gloom: Darkness increased by 100%
Skill Debililation: All Skills decreased by -10%
Weakening Essence: All Attributes decreased by 20%
Sanguine Impairment: Life Steal decreased by -75%
Arcane Impairment: Mana Steal decreased by -75%
Sundered Armor: Damage Taken increased by -25%
Consumed Time: Cooldowns Recovery decreased by 25%
Absolute Limbo: Cooldowns Recovery decreased by 50%
Boulder Fall: Monsters have a 3% chance to drop a boulder from the sky on death.
Lingering Evil: Movement Speed reduced by 25%
Fatal Wounds: Monsters gain a 10% chance to inflict 2x damage
Bloated Veins: Monsters have 70% increased Life
Abnormal Dwelling: Monsters have 130% increased Life
Colossal Bloating: Monsters have 200% increased Life
Necrosis: Your life is drained by 1% every second
Venomous Presence: Poison Duration is increased by 200%
Flaming Agony: Monsters unleash a Fire Nova on death dealing 50% of their damage
Unholy Agility: Monsters gain increased movement and attack speed.
Broken Armor: You are unable to block attacks and projectiles
Hemorrhage: Monster attacks inflict a 4 second stacking bleed (10% of their damage)
Crippling Slow: Monster attacks inflict a 50% slow that lasts 2 seconds.


Weapon Augments

Weapon Augments add a wide variety of effects to your attacks or spells and are crafted directly onto any weapon using special emblems.

Armor Augments

Armor Augments increase the power of specific abilities and the possible Augments can be found at the bottom of every Classes page. They can be added to your body armor in the Angelic Realm by speaking with St. Peter in Dawn's Chapel and spending an Keys Angelic Key.png Angelic Key

Target Farming

Certain Items in the Button Journal.png Journal will have an Act or specific location written underneath them, this means that you can farm that specific area for a higher chance of that item dropping. If the location has a boss name or certain difficulty, then it means that item can only drop from fighting that specific boss or zone on a specific difficulty.

Loot Filter

A Loot Filter allows players to customize which items can show on the ground when loot is dropped from monsters, bosses and chests. Armor types, weapon types, sockets and even tiers can be customized to your liking.