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Glyphs are acquired via killing monsters in Challenge Dungeons, they are socketed into Heroic Nodes in the Hero Level Tree and will provide certain bonuses based on the Nodes taken nearby where you socket them, the exact "nearby" radius can be seen by placing the cursor over a Heroic Node.


Icon Name Description Base Per Node of Strength
Glyphs Magistriker.png Magistriker Your Magic Skill Damage is increased based on your total Attacks per Second for each node of Strength taken nearby. Magic Skill Damage: 1% per Glyph Level Magic Skill Damage: 0.5% per Glyph Level
Glyphs Overloaded.png Overloaded When using a ranged weapon, your attacks gain increased projectile speed and critical strike damage per node of Strength taken nearby. Projectile Speed: 2% per Glyph Level

Critical Strike Damage: 4% per Glyph Level
Projectile Speed: 1% per Glyph Level

Critical Strike Damage: 2% per Glyph Level
Glyphs Titans Power.png Titan's Power Every 30 seconds your attacks for the next 2 seconds gain increased area size, projectile speed and damage per node of Strength taken nearby. Area of Effect: 4% per Glyph Level

Projectile Speed: 2% per Glyph Level

Damage: 6% per Glyph Level
Area of Effect: 1% per Glyph Level

Projectile Speed: 0.5% per Glyph Level

Damage: 1.5% per Glyph Level


Icon Name Description Base Per Node of Dexterity
Glyphs Avarice.png Avarice Picking up gold grants you a stack of Avarice for 8 seconds. Each stack refreshes the buff duration and increases your Magic Find and Gold Find for each node of Dexterity taken nearby. Effect from this Glyph does not have diminishing returns. Magic Find: 0.60% per Level

Extra Gold from Kills: 0.40% per Level
Magic Find: 0.12% per Level

Extra Gold from Kills: 0.08% per Level
Glyphs Precision.png Precision Gain Ignore Target Defense for each node of Dexterity taken nearby. Ignore Target Defense: 2% per Level Ignore Target Defense: 1% per Level
Glyphs Tempest Strikes.png Tempest Strikes Striking enemies grants you a stack of Tempest. Each stack of Tempest increases your Attack & Movement Speed per node of Dexterity taken nearby. When you reach maximum stacks, the effect is doubled for a short period. Movement Speed: 0.01% per Level

Attack Speed: 0.03% per Level
Movement Speed: 0.0022% per Level

Attack Speed: 0.006% per Level


Icon Name Description Base Per Node of Intelligence
Glyphs Longevity.png Longevity All Orbiting Skills last longer and pulse a small amount of area damage per node of Intelligence taken nearby. Duration: 1% per Level

Damage: 1.75% per Level
Duration: 0.5% per Level

Damage: 0.875% per Level
Glyphs Echo.png Echo Every 30 seconds you automatically cast your last used skill, dealing increased damage for each node of Intelligence taken nearby. The cooldown is reduced by 0.5s after each kill. Damage: 4% per Level Damage: 2% per Level
Glyphs Mystic Insight.png Mystic Insight Gain Spell Critical Chance and Spell Critical Damage per node of Intelligence taken nearby. Standard sources of critical chance & critical damage do not apply to spells. Critical Strike Chance: 30%

Critical Strike Damage: 2% per Level
Critical Strike Damage: 2% per Level
Glyphs Minion Mastery.png Minion Mastery Your Summons gain increased Attack Speed for each node of Intelligence taken nearby. This bonus is doubled for 8 seconds whenever you summon a new minion or command them. Attack Speed: 1% per Level Attack Speed: 0.75% per Level


Icon Name Description Base Per Node of Energy
Glyphs Infinity.png Infinity Casting an elemental skill has a chance to double cast it for each node of Energy taken nearby. Chance: 5% +0.50% per Level Chance: 0.20% per Level
Glyphs Alchemy.png Alchemy Gain 0.1% Magic Skill Damage per 100 maximum mana for each node of energy. Magic Skill Damage: 0.10% per Level Magic Skill Damage: 0.05% per Level
Glyphs Nordic Winter.png Nordic Winter Cold Damage has a chance to apply a stack of freeze on enemies. At 5 stacks you indlict Deep Freeze which deals 75% of incoming damage as cold damage for 5 seconds and causing the enemy to take increased damage for each node of Energy taken nearby. Damage: 2% per Level Damage: 0.3% per Level
Glyphs Monstrosity.png Monstrosity Dealing Elemental damage grants you a stack of Manastream, increasing your Magic Skill Damage per stack. At 1000 Stacks gain a temporary buff for 15 seconds where your mana costs are decreased by 80%, gain Increased Cast Rate and Increased Cooldown Recovery Rate per node of Energy taken nearby. Magic Skill Damage: 0.02% per Level

Faster Cast Rate: 6% per Level

Cooldown Recovery: 3% per Level
Faster Cast Rate: 0.12% per Level

Cooldown Recovery: 0.06% per Level
Glyphs Zapper.png Zapper Dealing Lightning Damage to enemies has a chance to cause Chain Lightning on nearby enemies, dealing a portion of the incoming damage as Lightning Damage per node of Energy taken nearby. Lightning Damage: 5% +2% per Level Lightning Damage: 1.25% per Level
Glyphs Spellslinger.png Spellslinger Gain Faster Cast Rate for a portion of your Total Magic Skill Damage (Faster Cast Rate bonus also benefits from the Magic Skill Damage added by this Glyph) and additionally gain increased Magic Skill Damage per node of Energy taken nearby. Faster Cast Rate: 35%

Magic Skill Damage: 2% per Level
Magic Skill Damage: 0.82% per Level


Icon Name Description Base Per Node of Armor
Glyphs Gravity.png Gravity You are surrounded by a gravity field which pulls enemies towards you, slowing them and lowing their damage dealt. The field grows in size for each node of Armor taken nearby whenever you hit an enemy with a spell or attack and decreases in size over time. Area of Effect: 5% per Level

Damage Reduced By: 1% per Level
Area of Effect: 2.5% per Level

Damage Reduced By: 0.5% per Level
Glyphs Artful Dodger.png Artful Dodger Dodging or blocking attacks or projectiles grants you increased Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Attack Damage for each node of Armor taken nearby. Movement Speed: 1% per Level

Attack Speed: 1.50% per Level

Attack Damage: 2.50% per Level
Movement Speed: 0.2% per Level

Attack Speed: 0.3% per Level

Attack Damage: 0.5% per Level
Glyphs Tinkerer.png Tinkerer Every 10th cast you gain a buff for 2 seconds which grants Increased Explosion Area and causes any explosions to happen multiple times per node of Armor taken nearby. Area of Effect: 8% +2% per Level

Multicast: 1 +0.3 per level
Area of Effect: 1% per Level

Multicast: 0.015 per level
Glyphs Survivors Shield.png Survivor's Shield When losing 35% of your maximum life you become immune to all healing and damage for a short period. The duration is increased per node of Armor taken nearby. Duration: 0.25s per Level Duration: 0.06s per Level


Icon Name Description Base Per Node of Vitality
Glyphs Drunkard.png Drunkard For each buff you have active, your damage taken is reduced for each node of Vitality taken nearby. Damage Reduction: 1% +0.5% per Level Damage Reduction: 0.05% per Level
Glyphs Corrosion.png Corrosion Your damage over time effects last longer for each node of Vitality taken nearby. Every second an enemy is affected by a damage over time they take increased damage from that element. Duration: 0.25s per Level

Damage: 12%
Duration: 0.06s per Level
Glyphs Singularity.png SIngularity Every 7 seconds your next projectile will pull enemies to it when destroyed. The size of the pull is increased per node of Vitality taken nearby. Area of Effect: 30% +10% per Level Area of Effect: 5% per Level
Glyphs Mixture.png Mixture Your Poison Skills create a field of venom which poisons enemies for a portion of the damage dealt, breaking their poison resistances per node of Vitality taken nearby. Poison Break 4% +2% per Level Poison Break 0.4% per Level