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Heroic Spellblade

Weapons Spellblade Hypothermia.png

Attack Damage: [348-448]

Attacks per Second: 1.9

8% Chance when Striking [Torrent] Level 68

5% Chance when Casting [Frozen Hide] Level 72

+[520-600]% Enhanced Damage

+[3-6] to Cold Skills

+[30-40]% Faster Cast Rate

+[8-12] Mana per second

+[3000-3400] to Additive Cold Damage

+[45-60] to Cold Skill Damage

+75% to Cold Resistance

Cannot be Frozen

As cold as the heart of grim reaper, the blade that cuts through souls.


Level Req. 92Tier: SS

Hypothermia is a Heroic Spellblade

Item Acquisition

Hypothermia has no restrictions on where it can drop. It can be crafted.